Motherland – Peace and Freedom Tribute Poem

(For all who embrace freedom in a peaceful way)

For each who talks,
for each who walks,
for each there is a beach,
for each to print a footstep here,
for each to share a tear

For each and every one of us
for each a Womb to meet
for each and every one of us
in each our Hearts will beat

For each who fights,
for each who writes,
for each there is a hand,
for each who weeps,
for each who sleeps,
for each there is a land

For each and every one of us
for each here shed a tear
for each and every one of us
for each this Sea shall hear

For each who falls,
for each who calls,
for each there is a Tomb,
for each who strays,
for each who prays,
for each there is a Womb

For each and every one of us
for each our sins we’ll give
for each and every one of us
for each She shall forgive

For each who grieves,
for each who leaves,
for each there is a Home,
for each who craves,
for each the waves
shall offer silent praise

For each and every one of us
for each here shed a tear
for each and every one of us
for each this Sea shall hear

For each who bled,
the waves turned red,
they colored their embrace,
their lips became
a silent blame,
for each and every face

For each and every one of them,
for each we will remain
for each and every one of them
Love’s witness of their pain

For each who cries,
for each who dies,
for each there is a wave,
for each who breathes
and suffocates
the Motherland awaits

For each and every one of us,
for each beginnings near,
for each and every one of us
for each then be them dear

And gently then,
and gently then,
as Heart’s beat fades away,
for each who sings,
for each Sea brings,
the wave to Soul’s D-day

For each and every one of us
for each here we shall pray
for each and every one of us
for each this Sea shall stay

From each who falls,
from each who calls,
from each She asks belief,
for each who strays,
for each who prays,
for each shall be relief

For each and every one of us
for each these waves will be
for each and every one of us
Her Womb Eternity

242 Coincidence Generator


Returning from my Summer Course on “Coincidence, Synchronicity, Toeval” in Dordogne, August 2012 see Antillia  I got lost on the roads of Normandy (France). I had a look on the roadmap and saw this funny village name: “Risquetout” (= “risk everything”), so I put that in my GPS. Then I noticed it took me to Route Départementale 242 (D242), and since I found out that this number is a powerful Coincidence generator (read the story here in Dutch: “242 Poëzie van het Toeval“) I decided to drive this road from beginning to end, starting in Le Sap and finishing in Trun, 26 km further on. Soon I found out that this road was the scene of a heavy battle during World War 2, remembered as “The Battle of Hill 262” read about what happened here, how many lives were lost: Hill 262
To illustrate how devastating this fight was and how much blood colored this hill a quote from General Eisenhower: “no other battlefield presented such a horrible sight of death, hell, and total destruction…”.
At the moment I was driving along this road, I wasn’t aware of its history. Nevertheless, during this 26 km, I took pictures of all road signs. I can imagine for the soldiers back then they were more than that: such a sign could mean the road to heaven or hell. Driving along the road I suddenly noticed that my car’s odometer showed 46,242km, see at 02:42 so I stopped, a little later I arrived at the “Couloir De La Mort” (“Corridor Of Death”) see at 03:00 . At 01:45 I found a rememberance sign, showing the birthday of my mother: at the time of the Flagofficer’s death she turned 25.
To accompany the pictures I chose a song from the Frisian (Netherlands) singer/songwriter Nynke Laverman: “De Ûntdekker” (= “the explorer, discoverer, pioneer”) because I thought rhythm, composition & lyrics fitted the images and the history of this location.
Nynke’s site: Nynke Laverman

That afternoon will stay with me, as if it were that all who fought here, all who died, all who were wounded, all who survived cried out: NO MORE…. and that’s what I hear too in Nynke’s powerful, yet vulnerable song. Ave. Pax Tibi.

Here the English version of Lynke’s lyrics (from her site)


my blackened feet are marching
along the rim of the crater
my blackened feet are marching
along the rim of the world
my blackened feet are marching
along the rim of the crater
my blackened feet are marching
and I won’t go home just yet

I do not know where I am
I do not know what’s coming
but my feet thump onwards
along the rim of the crater
I want to know who I am
in every corner of the world
I won’t go home just yet
I want to know
I am the discoverer
of the great unknown in me
I am the discoverer
my tracks are fresh
each day I am new

my blackened feet are marching
along the rim of the crater
my blackened feet are marching
along the rim of the world

I change with the landscape
I merge with the climates
I blend in with each colour
strike a chord in every speech

I churn with the rivers
I side with metropolises
let myself be slain by the sun
let myself be filled by the rain

my blackened feet are marching
along the rim of the crater
my blackened feet are marching
and I won’t go home just yet

in deserts I boil sand
and drink tea with scorpions
I swim as supple as snakes
passing under cool rocks

in the icescape I am bride
and sleep in a white suite
on the biggest four-poster bed
I sing songs of crystal

I am the discoverer
of the great unknown in me



To all with ears: they hear, to all with eyes: they see.
Let’s not be blind to all what’s written and to all
that flows, wherever you may go you leave something
behind, so is the memory the mirror of the mind
and with each footstep there is more to tell, o yes:
wherever you may go you leave something behind.
To all with heart, to all with love: they shall inherit
paradise, wait not, moments are wings, and to a dying
day they are as intimate as to your lips a kiss, so then:
fly high above the setting sun, and rise above the oceans,
open, breathe deep, drink, and be, for in the end remember:
to all with ears they’ll hear, to all with eyes they’ll see.

Video: “Battleship Potemkin”, Sergei Eisenstein, 1925


(D-Day ~Normandy > each beach is a continuing testimony of our history…)

For each who talks,
for each who walks,
for each there is a beach,
for each to print a footstep here,
for each to shed a tear

For each and every one of us
for each a Womb to meet
for each and every one of us
in each our Hearts shall beat

Wherever you may be
Just offer Me belief
Then put your trust in Me
I’ll offer you relief

For each who fights,
for each who writes,
for each there is a hand,
for each who weeps,
for each who sleeps,
for each there is a land

For each and every one of us
for each here shed a tear
for each and every one of us
for each this Sea shall hear

Wherever you may be
Just offer Me belief
Then put your trust in Me
I’ll offer you relief

For each who falls,
for each who calls,
for each there is a Tomb,
for each who strays,
for each who prays,
for each there is a Womb

For each and every one of us
for each our sins we’ll give
for each and every one of us
for each She shall forgive

Wherever you may be
Just offer Me belief
And put your trust in Me
I’ll offer you relief

For each who grieves,
for each who leaves,
for each there is a Home,
for each who craves,
for each the waves
shall offer silent praise

For each and every one of us
for each and every Love
for each and every one of us
for each She”l send Her Dove

Wherever you may be
Just offer Me belief
Then put your trust in Me
I’ll offer you relief

For each who bled,
the waves turned red,
they colored their embrace,
their lips became
a silent blame
for each and every face

For each and every one of them,
for each we shall remain
for each and every one of them
Love’s witness of their pain

Wherever you may be
Just offer Me belief
And put your trust in Me
I’ll offer you relief

For each who cries,
for each who dies,
for each there is a wave,
for each who breathes
and suffocates
the Motherland awaits

For each and every one of us,
for each beginnings near,
for each and every one of us
for each then be them dear

Wherever you may be
Just offer Me belief
And put your trust in Me
I’ll offer you relief

And gently then,
and gently then,
as Heart’s beat fades away,
for each who sings,
for each Sea brings
the wave to Soul’s D-day

For each and every one of us
for each here we shall pray
for each and every one of us
for each this Sea shall stay

Wherever you may be
Just offer Me belief
And put your trust in Me
I’ll offer you relief

From each who falls,
from each who calls,
from each She asks belief,
for each who strays,
for each who prays,
for each shall be relief

For each and every one of us
this Motherland shall be
for each and every one of us
Her Womb Eternity

Wherever you may be
Just offer Me belief
And put your trust in Me
I’ll offer you relief

(+ All War Beaches +)

(animation via )